About rhinitis in children

About rhinitis in children – causes and symptoms

Rhinitis is particularly stressful for children. Children are particularly affected if their nose is blocked and sore, and if a blocked nose is getting in the way of a good night's sleep.

The most frequent cause of children's rhinitis is a common cold, which affects children on average 8 times a year – significantly more often than adults. Hence, Children are affected by rhinitis very often. One reason for this is that children's immune systems are not yet completely developed – the protection against pathogens is not yet fully functional and so cold viruses can easily penetrate children's nasal mucous membranes and trigger rhinitis.

Furthermore children at kindergarten and at school are exposed to a higher risk of infection. Cold viruses are usually transmitted by droplet infection, for example, when talking, coughing or sneezing, but can also be transmitted via certain surfaces. They abound especially at kindergarten and school and can quickly pass from one child to another in the play group, classroom or playground, thereby reaching children's airways.

The mucosa in the child's nose performs an important immune function and, when fully intact, keeps germs in the airways at bay. When there is only inadequate defence against the cold viruses, these can penetrate the nasal mucous membranes and multiply there. In an attempt to remove the pathogens, the body reacts by boosting the blood supply to the nasal mucosa and producing more mucous. The otherwise already sensitive mucous membranes in the child's nose become irritated and swollen and the child's nose feels blocked, sore and dry. The blocked nose is particularly disruptive at night when it is getting in the way of a good night's sleep.

At this point, it is advisable to get gentle and effective help, which unblocks the child's congested nose and simultaneously supports the healing of the sensitive nasal mucous membranes. This is where nasic® for kids helps with its special combination of active ingredients: xylometazoline quickly frees children's congested noses, and dexpanthenol accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa. With a clear nose, children are happy to play again and they can build up their energy overnight for new adventures!

nasic® for kids was specifically developed for the needs of children and can be already used for children from the age of 2 years. It contains a high concentration of the very well-tolerated, healing-promoting dexpanthenol, which accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa. So the nasal mucosa can resume its function as a natural protective barrier more quickly. In addition to dexpanthenol, nasic® for kids also contains a child-friendly, lower dose of xylometazoline in comparison with nasic®, which acts as a decongestant and unblocks children's congested noses.

nasic® for kids - for children's sensitive noses
nasic® for kids with the special active substance combination of xylometazoline and dexpanthenol in a child-friendly dosage
  • rapidly frees a child's blocked nose
  • improves breathing after just a few minutes
  • and accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa
  • nasic® for kids – for children's sensitive noses

    nasic® for kids with the special active substance combination of xylometazoline and dexpanthenol in a child-oriented dosage

    • rapidly frees a blocked nose
    • improves breathing after just a few minutes
    • and accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa

    This is how nasic® for kids provides fast relief from rhinitis also for little noses!

    • Composition

      nasic® for kids contains the active substances:

      • xylometazoline 0.05%
      • dexpanthenol 5%
    • Use & availability
      • Dosage: children above the age of 2 should spray once in each nostril, up to 3 times daily for a maximum of 7 days
      • 10 ml
      • Available in pharmacies

  • nasic® – for faster rhinitis relief

    nasic® with the special active substance combination of xylometazoline and dexpanthenol

    • rapidly frees a blocked nose
    • improves breathing after just a few minutes
    • and accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa

    This is how nasic® provides rapid relief from rhinitis!

    • Composition

      nasic® contains the active substances:

      • xylometazoline 0.1%
      • dexpanthenol 5%
    • Use & availability
      • Dosage: adults and children above the age of 6 should spray once in each nostril, up to 3 times daily for a maximum of 7 days
      • 10 ml
      • Available in pharmacies
The faster the rhinitis is gone, the sooner my child and me can enjoy life again.

More tips & tricks

for rhinitis in children

Does your child have a little blocked nose? Products from a pharmacy, such as nasic® for kids, offer quick and effective help because nasic® for kids rapidly frees a blocked nose and accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa. Household remedies can also be used to support recovery. However, if your child starts suffering from a fever, severe headache or facial pain in addition to rhinitis, or if your child's rhinitis does not ease within a week despite treatment, please consult your doctor.

  • 01
    Give your child plenty to drink, this liquefies the mucous – water and herbal teas are ideal.
    Ensure that your child eats plenty of fruit and vegetables – as vitamins strengthen the body's own defences.
  • 03
    Ensure that your child rests enough and sleeps a lot as this allows the immune system to recover.
    Offer your child an inhalation, for example using salt water or camomile tea, as this helps to loosen the mucous. Caution: Inhalations using essential oils are not suitable for young children. Stay close to your child during inhalation and make sure they are not scalded.
  • 05
    Try to create a humid indoor climate – for example, with a humidifier and keep the room well ventilated.
Contact us

nasic®, nasal spray
Therapeutic indication: For the decongestion of the nasal mucosa during rhinitis and the supportive treatment of cutaneous and mucosal wound healing, for relief of vasomotor rhinitis (rhinitis vasomotorica) and for the treatment of impaired nasal respiration after nasal surgery. nasic is indicated in adults and children aged from 6 years. For information on risks and side effects please refer to the package leaflet and consult your doctor or pharmacist.

nasic® for kids, nasal spray
Therapeutic indication: For the decongestion of the nasal mucosa during rhinitis and the supportive treatment of cutaneous and mucosal wound healing, for relief of vasomotor rhinitis (rhinitis vasomotorica) and for the treatment of impaired nasal respiration after nasal surgery. nasic for kids is indicated in children aged 2 to 6 years. For information on risks and side effects please refer to the package leaflet and consult your doctor or pharmacist.